1. Autumn Burlap Basket

Autumn Burlap Basket

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Autumn Burlap Basket

Product Details

: 1002-P-67830
Basket Delights:
• 1 oz. Cheese Popcorn – A must for any popcorn fan. When you think of cheese popcorn, this is it!
• 2 oz. Caramel Popcorn – Super crunchy and super delicious, one of our most popular popcorn recipes.
• 2 oz. Jelly Belly Autumn Mix -- Sweet and chewy jelly beans to match the colors of the season.
• 2 Milk Chocolate Gourmet Pretzels 2oz. – These large pretzels are dressed with milk chocolate and ready to sweeten your day!

7 oz.
Serves 1
