1. Fair Trade Orange & Yellow Roses with Poms

Fair Trade Orange & Yellow Roses with Poms

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Fair Trade Orange & Yellow Roses with Poms

Product Details

: 1001-P-95350

This bright bouquet will bring joy to friends, family or that special someone who always makes you smile. Gathered with cheery poms, our environmentally-friendly orange and yellow blooms were produced in accordance with Fair Trade criteria and certified by Fair Trade USA, the leading third-party certifier of Fair Trade products in the United States.

  • Arrangement of orange roses, yellow roses and yellow Viking poms, gathered from select floral farms
  • Produced in accordance with Fair Trade criteria and certified by Fair Trade USA, the leading third-party certifier of Fair Trade products in the United States
  • To ensure lasting beauty, roses arrive in bud form, ready to bloom in a few days
  • Picked at the peak of perfection and delivered to the door fresh
  • Shipped overnight to ensure freshness


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