1. Get Well Daisy Bouquet

Get Well Daisy Bouquet

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Get Well Daisy Bouquet

Product Details

: 1001-P-161624

Our cheerful, charming daisies are the perfect remedy to help someone feel better! Paired with a happy balloon to help lift their spirits, these sunny yellow & pure white blooms are a thoughtful way to let someone know that brighter days are ahead. Add to your sweet sentiment with one of our signature vases, a cuddly plush or a delicious Cheryl’s buttercream cookie! 

  • Yellow and white daisies; choose from 12 or 24 stems
  • Picked at their peak on our premier farms, daisies are shipped overnight to ensure freshness and arrive budding to provide lasting beauty and enjoyment

Add to their gift:

  • Green glass ginger jar vase; fluted design camouflages the stems to create a lovely illusion of color and texture; measures 7.75"H (available with 24 stems only)
  • Exclusive “Lotsa Happy Wishes” vase designed by inspirational artist & author Sandra Magsamen; features embossed daisies and inspirational words; measures 8”H (available with 12 stems only)
  • Exclusive C.J. Bear plush; measures 8"H; safe for ages 3+ 
  • Cheryl’s “Little Box of Sunshine” flower-shaped buttercream cookie, 1.5 oz.
  • For over 30 years, Cheryl’s has offered gourmet cookies, brownies and other delicious baked goods, perfect for all of life’s celebrations
