1. Lovely Lilies Bouquet

Lovely Lilies Bouquet

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Lovely Lilies Bouquet

Product Details

: 1001-P-142438

Perfectly lovely. Perfectly Valentine’s. Our lily bouquet is gathered with farm-fresh red, pink and white blooms to let someone know they’re in your heart.

  • Bouquet of pink, red and white lilies; available in 7 or 14 stems
  • Picked fresh on our premier farms around the world, our flowers are cared for every step of the way and shipped fresh to ensure lasting beauty and enjoyment

Add to their gift:

  • Classic fluted swirl-design glass vase in red or clear; measures 7.5"H (14 stems only)
  • Exclusive red glass vase with artistic footed detail and a classic, stylish design; measures 9"H (7 stems only)
  • Classic clear glass hourglass vase with elegant carved fluted detail; measures 9"H (7 stems only)
