1. Playful New Baby Bouquet

Playful New Baby Bouquet

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Playful New Baby Bouquet

Product Details

: 1001-P-167976

One sweet bundle of joy deserves another! Proud new parents will love our bright bouquet of mums, artfully speckled with confetti colors so that no two blooms are alike. Baby will enjoy our toy phone and rattle, both designed to encourage play and skill development. Tying it all together is a cheerful balloon, adding to this adorable gift bundle.

  • Bouquet of 7 white cushion pom mums; each bloom has been artistically splatter-painted by hand with multi-colored, nontoxic, color-safe paint
  • Flowers arrive with a clear hourglass vase with elegant, carved fluted detail; measures 8"H
  • Picked fresh on our premier farms around the world, our flowers are cared for every step of the way and shipped fresh to ensure lasting beauty and enjoyment.
  • Toy rattle features bold colors to help baby focus vision from birth; chunky center bar makes grasping easy, strengthening fine motor skills. Colorful beads help develop visual perception and eye tracking, while gentle rattle sounds and click-clack rings provide auditory and visual stimulation.
  • Toy phone encourages interactive play and helps develop baby’s communication; features four colorful buttons, which “talk” to encourage language development, while the screen lights up to capture baby’s attention and promote concentration.
  • 4" “Welcome Baby” balloon on a pick; balloon design may vary
