1. Magnificent Roses® Preserved Red Roses with Gold Ribbon

Magnificent Roses® Preserved Red Roses with Gold Ribbon

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Magnificent Roses® Preserved Red Roses with Gold Ribbon

Product Details

: 1001-P-156886

Exclusively designed for 1-800-Flowers, genuine red roses are selected for their size and perfection, then carefully preserved and arranged in a decorative box finished with gold ribbon. It’s a magnificent gift for someone very special.

  • Two dozen preserved roses in red; displayed in an elegant, round, hat box-style container
  • Arrives in a decorative gift box with a gold ribbon
  • Preserved roses will maintain their original beauty for at least 6 months with proper care
  • Care Instructions: Arrangements do not require watering; for maximum beauty, keep away from extreme sunlight & humidity

About Magnificent Roses®
A proprietary brand of exceptional quality preserved roses designed exclusively for 1800Flowers.com. Each unique and genuine rose is hand-chosen at the peak of perfection and then preserved to maintain the original natural beauty of each unique rose. A luxurious and romantic gift of love and adoration to cherish over time.
