1. Delightful Daffodil

Delightful Daffodil

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Delightful Daffodil

Product Details

: 1001-P-101945

Our vibrant yellow daffodils bring pure delight to anyone lucky enough to receive them. Set in a bright blue container with a charming embossed floral design, it’s a gift as glorious as a sunshine-filled spring day. Deliver extra smiles by adding our exclusive canvas banner featuring a colorful floral graphic and the sentiment: “Enjoy Life’s Beautiful Blooms.”

  • Tete-a-Tete daffodil bulbs arrive rooted, sprouted and ready to bloom in approximately 2 weeks
  • Set in a cornflower blue tin with de-bossed daffodil design and plastic liner
  • Large features 8 bulbs; planter measures 5"H x 5"D
  • Small features 4 bulbs; planter measures 4.5"H x 5"D
  • Once the blooms expire, store the bulbs for next year and plant them outdoors

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